How To Choose A Board-Certified Orthodontist
Making the choice to seek orthodontic care is an important one. When you choose to seek orthodontic care for you or your child, you are deciding on an attractive smile and continued oral health that will affect you or your child’s entire life. This decision is not to be made lightly, but treated as a very important decision considering the following points.
Choosing A Board-Certified Orthodontist Is Important.
This may seem obvious, but this specialty dentist has completed additional training (a minimum of two years or more) in order to deliver treatment in the form of orthodontia. Only a board certified orthodontist has expanded their education beyond dental school at an accredited university, in order to be able to call themselves a specialist; furthermore, a board certified orthodontist has even gone the extra step to be evaluated by peers. When you arrive at your first visit, have your questions and concerns ready, and then do not hesitate to ask them. Our well-qualified, orthodontic office expects your questions, and is ready and willing to answer them. A board certified orthodontist will often also have available “before and after photos” of former patients for your viewing.