Caring For Your Braces

It is no secret that caring for orthodontic appliances correctly can be challenging for patients of all ages. The time to learn how to do so is before you even have braces so that you can prepare yourself and your family for the extra time and precision it will take. For those who may be less than fastidious in their dental hygiene, this can be frustrating, but improper care can result in extensive and expensive damage.

Of course, our team at Dr. Amy James and Associates will provide you with extensive instructions tailored just for you that you will need to follow. Until then, here is a little information to get you started.

Dental Hygiene With Braces

The standard for dental hygiene without braces is quite simple. Brush twice a day for about two minutes. Floss once a day, preferably at night. Do not forget to use fluoride, and rinse with mouthwash after brushing. Simple, right? Dental hygiene with braces is much more complicated because you will have to clean in and around the appliance, making sure to remove any particles that are trapped because of the hardware. You are also going to have to start carrying floss, toothpaste and a toothbrush with you because you are going to need to clean your teeth after you eat every time.

If you do not follow the recommended guidelines, and are not careful, then plaque biofilm colonies will grow and produce acid. Acid eats away at your teeth and gums and you can develop chalky white spots around the hardware of the braces. The good news is that damaging your teeth can be prevented with proper care. Read More About Oral Hygiene With Braces.

Tips For Proper Care

If your children have braces, make sure to supervise and guide them as they are learning the right techniques. In addition to normal dental hygiene, here are a few extra tips to keep in mind:

  • If you have elastic, remove the elastic before cleaning.
  • Be gentle. If you are too forceful, it is possible to damage the appliance.
  • Do not forget to brush all of the exposed surfaces of brackets and wires.
  • White flossing use a floss threader so that you can accurately and thoroughly guide the floss under the wires and into the spaces between the teeth.
  • Invest in interdental cleaners and an oral irrigation system to ensure that you are removing as much food bacteria as possible.
  • Make sure to use fluoride, which is even more necessary with braces.
  • If you play sports, make sure to wear a mouthguard on the upper and lower arches.

Foods To Avoid

There is no way around the fact that if you have orthopedic appliances, there are going to be some foods that you will have to abstain from. These foods fall into three categories: sticky, hard, and crunchy. Sticky food like gummy candy, peanut butter, and gum is easily trapped by the appliance hardware and is hard to clean. You will also want to avoid hard and crunchy food such as tough meat, hard raw vegetables, and ice, just to name a few. Hard and crunchy foods can damage your braces, and even crack your teeth.

If you are worried about eating the wrong thing, try not to be. Our team at Dr. Amy James and Associates will provide you with a more detailed list of foods you should avoid. Make sure to follow it! Read More About Foods To Avoid

If You Damage Your Braces

It is possible to damage your braces. You cannot fix your braces by yourself. If the braces snap or break, or if any of the hardware comes loose call us immediately at (856) 216-8009 to schedule an appointment. Read More About Braces Emergencies