My Teacher Rocks

We at Dr. Amy James & Associates love to give back to our community and celebrate our teachers. We do complimentary dental health presentations for local schools and prioritize building those relationships. We thought of a fun, engaging contest to celebrate the exceptional teachers in our schools by introducing the “My Teacher Rocks” contest. 

The prompt was simple: if you (our patients) have a teacher that’s gone above and beyond for you, here’s how you can nominate them for this award – either write a short essay or send a video explaining why this teacher has made a positive impact on your education & your life. 

Our patient’s thoughtful responses were exceptional! We selected three teachers who each won a $100 massage gift certificate and a special handmade rock trophy. We’re grateful for all of our patients who nominated their teachers! 

At the end of the school year we had the pleasure of honoring Mrs. Lynn Jones of Lizzy Haddon Elementary School, Ms. Kate Sennhenn of Jennings Elementary School, and Mr. Brian Agnew of William G Rohrer Middle School. Big shout outs to: Lukas & Olivia for nominating Mrs. Jones (she cried “happy tears” when receiving her award); Evan for nominating Ms. Sennhenn (he sent a remarkable video submission); and Daniel for nominating Mr. Agnew (he was out the day we presented the award so Chris, our Marketing Director, is pictured with the teacher instead).

We so appreciate all that teachers do and we’re wishing everyone a happy start to summer! Seeing the selfless smiles on our patients’ faces as they honored their teachers was actually priceless.

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